Hoteli më i mirë në qytet me shërbimet më të mira.

  • Parking i ruajtur
  • Parkim falas
  • Qendra e Kongresit
  • Wi-Fi
  • Pishinë e jashtme
  • Makina larëse
  • Kafshët shtëpiake lejohen
  • Restoranti kryesor
  • Restorant A la carte
  • Snackbar
  • Shtigje këmbësh të rregulluara
  • Ekskursione lokale

Hoteli Mediteran gjendet në qytetin piktoresk të Ulqinit, vetëm 100 metra larg plazhit dhe qendrës së qytetit. Edhe pse shumë afër qytetit, Hoteli Mediteran është i mbrojtur nga zhurmat, dhe si i tillë përfaqëson vendin ideal për pushime familjare dhe jo vetëm, duke qenë në një harmoni të plotë me natyren.


Hoteli posedon restaurantin, banketin dhe sallën për evente, sallën e konferencace, kafe bar dhe pishinë.


Hotel Mediteran ju mirëpret!

  • Beautiful view with lovely acomodation !! The short young girl Arlinda took care of us till the last day of our stay we thank her so much for her patience and her elegance !! Hotel Mediteran -My happy place

    Alba Albi
  • The hotel was excellent clean and the food was delicious😊 Not to forget to mention Arlinda she welcomed us in the check in with a lovely smile and an excellent behavior making sure of our accomondation and a great time there .

    Ayan Ayan
  • I want to thank Besmir for the hospitality. It's been since 2013 I know him and his staff and they are such amazing and nice people. Their food, rooms and everything is on point.

    Ilirijana Sallahaj
  • Very beautiful hotel with a nice view👏 excellent food 🍱 very friendly people especially Arlinda making us feel comfortable without anything missing ❤️

    Hava Kurti
  • Everything was on point👏🏻 Thank you to the staff that made my stay more comfortable❤️ Not to forget to mention the beautiful view and the cleanliness in the rooms , also breakfast and dinner very delicious👏🏻👌

  • Great Hotel and Staff, Food was amazing, the pool is beautiful, couldn't ask for a better experience.

    Sedat Neljovic
  • Hoteli eshte ne nje pozite shume te mire,staffi eshte i mrrekulueshem dhe desha te veçoje Besmirin i cili na ka pritur gjithmon me ngrohtesi dhe dashamiresine me te madhe.Keshilloje te gjith shqiptaret qe ta vizitojne kete hotel nese qendrojne ne Ulqin.

    Rilind Neziri
  • Pokój po gruntownym remoncie. Bardzo czysty sprzątany codziennie, ręczniki zmieniane codziennie. Bardzo miła i przychylna obsługa. Bardzo dobre jedzenie. Duży wybór dań i surówek. Miło wspominam wiosenny wypoczynek 2018 r

    Tadeusz Pastor
  • A szálloda a hegy oldal alsó részén található ahonnan a kilátás nagyon gyönyörű és az ember el egy gyönyörű panoráma kép tárul a tengerrel és Ulcinj várával bezárólag. A szálloda személyzete nagyon kedves. A szállodához egy medence is tartozik, amit szabadon használhat a vendég.

    Gábor Lakatos
  • Divna lokacija, ljubazno osoblje, ciste sobe, odlican dorucak, blizina plaze i centra, topla preporuka svima, posebno za porodice s djecom

  • Posto eccezionale, paese ospitale spiaggetta attrezzata molto comoda ed acqua molto bella.

    Piero Luigi Maggiori

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